Journal on Education in Emergencies (JEiE) Webinar


JEiE Webinar - Publishing Practitioners’ Notes from the Field 


October 2nd, 2019 9:30 AM New York (GMT-01:30 PM)

Duration: 1 hour

Event Link:

This webinar is geared especially towards practitioners, but all are welcome to attend. During this time, members of the JEiE Editorial Team will present an overview of JEiE’s scope and aims, publication requirements, and what we look for in field notes manuscripts. Each webinar will also have an open Q&A section. 

Additionally, we are excited to have JEiE Editorial Board Member, Dr. Sweta Shah, co-hosting this webinar. Dr. Shah will share her insights from her experience successfully guiding manuscripts from the field through the peer review process. 

Dr. Joan Lombardi and Dr. Sweta Shah, our guest editors for the upcoming Special Issue on Early Childhood Development in Emergencies, as well as the JEiE Editorial Team are very interested in your submissions and believe that this webinar may contain relevant information about the submission and review process.

 Further details about accessing the webinar can be found below and on our website. Additional details on our submission process and guidelines can be found here. Please reach out to me and our editorial team at, with any questions.

Sneha Bolisetty | Editorial Assistant

Journal on Education in Emergencies