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AfECN, RTE and Oxford Human Rights Hub: Online training on monitoring and reporting ECCE from a human rights perspective

07.00hrs ET (GMT-4) | 11.00hrs UTC (GMT) | 14.00hrs EAT (GMT+3) | 19.00hrs SGT (GMT+8)

Around 300 ECCE practitioners participated in a three-week training series organised by AfECN, RTE and Oxford Human Rights Hub on May 9th, 16th, and 23rd, including representatives from civil society groups, academic institutions, and African education ministries. The sessions began with Lynette Okengo providing an overview of ECCE in the region, supported by specific country examples from Burkina Faso (Franck D. Tamini), Ghana (Eben Lartey), and Uganda (Godfrey Ejuu). Lynette highlighted that despite ECCE being crucial for human development and recognized as a right, 70% of African children lack access to it due to insufficient investment, increasing private sector involvement, and a lack of legal guarantees for free pre-primary education, impacting quality and access.

Session 1 on Analysis of ECCE in the African region - 09 May 2024


Session 2 on Monitoring ECCE from a human rights perspective - 16 May 2024


Session 3 on Advocacy with UN Treaty Bodies - 23 May 2024
