Climate Change

Childcare is the care of a young child or multiple of young children at a time. Although most parents spend a significant amount of time caring for their children, childcare typically refers to the care provided by caregivers that are not the child's parents. The objective a childcare facility should be to foster holistic development and requires a more focused training aside from the common core skills typical of a child caregiver.

Access to and quality of childcare have a variety of implications for children, parents and guardians, and families. Child care can have long-term impacts on educational attainment for children. Parents, particularly women and mothers, see increased labor force attachment when child care is more accessible and affordable. In particular, increased affordable child care opportunities have economic benefits to families.

Childcare can be provided to children by a variety of individuals and groups. In the traditional African society, childcare was provided for by child's extended family, however, the changing structure of families have resulted into varied childcare contexts including categorized as home-based childcare center-based care (nannies or family daycare), and center-based childcare  (including crèches, daycare, preschools and schools).

  1. World Bank: Invest in Childcare Invest in Childcare (

  2. World Bank (2019).Addressing Childcare in the World Bank Portfolio: Approaches, Experiences, and Lessons Learned World Bank Document

  3. World Bank: Childcare Incentive Fund: Summary Note April 2022. Short-note-on-childcare-work-program-12Apr.pdf (

  4. World Bank (2020) Better Jobs and Brighter Futures: Investing in Childcare to Build Human Capita Open Knowledge Repository (

  5. 2023 Kenya Prison Nursery Country Report CICs-Kenya-Report-10-30-23-FINAL.pdf (

  6. Born In Prison: Child Experiences in Kenya’s Women’s Facilities Born in Prison: Child experiences in Kenya’s Women’s Facilities (

  7. Summary of The National Care Reform Strategy For Children In Kenya PowerPoint Presentation (

  8. ILO-Employer-supported childcare significance to employees and Early Childhood Development Employer-supported childcare significance to employees and Early Childhood Development | International Labour Organization (

  9. Study Report Business Case for Employer Supported Child Care in Egypt: Childcare Models for Scaling up | International Labour Organization (

  10. Employer-supported Childcare Can Strengthen Companies’ Bottom Line- Ifc Report. (

  11. factsheet-tackling-childcare-final-july-28-2020.pdf (

  12. Childcare in the COVID-19 Era: A Guide for Employers (

  13. Guide for Employer-Supported Childcare (

  14. Tackling Childcare: The Business Benefits and Challenges of Employer-supported Childcare in Bangladesh (

  15. Investing in Childcare: A Game Changer for Businesses and the Nigerian Economy (