Early Childhood Workforce

Strengthening ECD workforce through identification and responding to knowledge and skill gaps would be a sure strategy to putting many children on a positive trajectory to realizing their developmental potential. This is important as available evidence shows that more than 200 million young children (66% in in Africa) are at risk of not reaching their developmental potential. Indeed, the quality of early childhood services is depended on depend empowered and well supported early childhood workforce. ECD workforce covers a wide range of professionals including preschool teachers, community health promoters, childcare minders (nannies), and others providing broader services to young children and their families (UNESCO, 2015).

  1. The Early Childhood Workforce – a powerful force for scaling-up quality services for young children and their families ECD-Workforce_BVLF-Article.pdf (r4d.org)

  2. International Labor Organization Working Paper 29 (2021). Public Employment Programmes in the Care Economy: The Case of South Africa bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=9ffadac8eb12606dJmltdHM9MTcxNDM0ODgwMCZpZ3VpZD0yNzk0MDBjMi1lOTQwLTY4MTYtMDBmOC0xNGNjZThkNjY5NjcmaW5zaWQ9NTIwMg&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=279400c2-e940-6816-00f8-14cce8d66967&psq=ecd+workforce+ILO&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaWxvLm9yZy9tZWRpYS8zODYyMTYvZG93bmxvYWQ&ntb=1

  3. Results for Development (2018) Early Childhood Workforce Initiative Training_Professional_Development_ExecutiveSummary.pdf (r4d.org)

  4. Delivering Health Services during Early Days of COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives of Frontline Healthcare Workers in Kenya’s Urban Informal Settlements (aku.edu)

  5. Effectiveness of an integrated multilevel early child development intervention on caregiver knowledge and behavior: a quasi-experimental evaluation of the Malezi program in Tanzania (aku.edu)

  6. "A qualitative enquiry of health care workers’ narratives on knowledge " by Adelaide Lusambili, Stefania Wisofschi et al. (aku.edu)

  7. Building Resilience in Africa: ECD Workforce Support and Strengthening Amid Covid-19! | Early Childhood Workforce

  8. The plight of the ECD workforce: An urgent call for relief in the wake of COVID-19 | Early Childhood Workforce

  9. Essential Resources for ECD Practitioners - Oxbridge Academy Blog

  10. ECD career path and study options in South Africa | Grow ECD

  11. Caring for the Caregiver Implementer's Guide | Early Childhood Workforce