Webinar: Distance Learning At Early Grade Levels, June 24, 2020 From 14:00hrs. to 15:30hrs. ET (GMT +3)

To control the spread of COVID-19, governments in Africa and elsewhere across the globe are implementing social distancing measures including population confinement and school closure. Consequently, to ensure continuity of learning, governments and teachers have put in place some mitigating systems to facilitate delivery of quality education through distance learning programs and mechanisms.

It is in this context that UNESCO-IICBA in collaboration with AfECN, are taking the initiative to facilitate sharing of information and experiences among African countries with regard to the systems put in place or planned to ensure learning continuity at early grade levels during this period of crisis.

A webinar on this will take place on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 from 2:00p.m. to 3:30p.m. ET (GMT +3) (See details in the concept note attached).

Your participation in this webinar would be greatly appreciated and the enriching exchanges will contribute to achieving the objectives of the World Coalition for Education launched by UNESCO to find a response to the crisis caused by COVID 19.

Link to the webinar: https://tinyurl.com/ycyptxn6

Link to Concept Note: Click here